
    A SD Research Model on the Coordinative Development of the Primary Industries of Rural Economy

    • 摘要: 应用系统动态学(SD)方法建立模型,研究了黑龙江省农村各主要产业之间和各产业同国民经济系统中其它产业之间存在的相互影响和相互作用关系及各产业内部的结构特性。此模型的研究结果为制定相应的中长期发展战略和政策提供了较为科学和可靠的依据,并在实际中得到了应用。


      Abstract: By means of System Dynamics theory and approach, the SD research model on the coordinative development of the primary industries of Heilongjiang Provincial rural economy is established.The model: (1) Focus on the interactions, internal relations and the internal structures of each primary industry, the interaction between the primary industries and others in national economy. (2) Analysed quantitatively the developmental trends of the primary industries. (3) Provided a scientific basts for designing development strategies and policies.


