Geothermal Resources Characteristic and Utilizing Problam in Hejian County
摘要: “七五”期间,河北省河间县作为农村能源综合建设试点县之一,其地热资源丰富,是农村能源的重要组成部分。本文通过对河间地区的地质构造、地温分布、热储特征的调查,对地热水量、温度、压力、化学成分和同位素组分的监测和测定,对该地区的地热资源进行了评价,并研究了地热水利用对环境的影响。Abstract: The article evaluated the geothermal resources of Hejian County and studied the environmental effects of utilizing geothermal water by means of surveying the geological structure; distribution and reserving characteristics of terrestrial heat; and by meanssuring and inspecting the flow, temperature, pressure, the chemical and isotope compositions of geothermal water.