
    An Intelligent Tester for Cereal Crops with Microcomputer

    • 摘要: 本文叙述了智能化稻麦考种自动测试仪的系统原理结构和微机处理框图及程序。该微机系统由四个部分组成:计数;计重;测长及由8031单片微机组成的控制和数据处理部分。其中计数是采用光电原理,并有清杂扬谷功能。称重传感器是采用压敏控制器,计长则采用光栅和光电脉冲的采样部件。数据处理的功能是将采集到的大量数据进行处理,计算总和、均值及预测谷物的亩产等。其检测结果均由打印或数码显示输出。


      Abstract: The seed test and yield estimate of wheat, barley, bare barley and rice is a very miscellaneous and toilsome work. To lighten the people of science and technology, and to raise efficiency of the work, a microcomputer-based automatic test system has been developed for seed test and yield estimate of wheat, barley, bare barley and rice. There are four components in the system. Three of them are sensors: a grain counter, a weigher and a measure for plant height and ear length. Another one is a controller and data process unit with 8301 single chip microcomputer.A photosensor is applied in grain counter in which there is a clearing fan for defective grain to be deleted. The sensor of weigher is a stain gauge. There is an optical fence with a photoimpact pickup assembly and video amplifier in the length sensor. The function of data process is in a wide range for calculation of count, sum, mean, weight for 1000-grain and theoretical yield of crop per mu etc. The results of output from measuring system are obtained by miniprinter or LED display.This paper details the principle and structure of the intelligent system for crops. The program and its block diagrams for microcomputer are also described.


