Studies on Fermentative Conditions of Soy Milk Yoghurt
摘要: 用大豆豆乳进行乳酸菌生产豆乳酸奶(Soymilkyoghurt)的研究,近年来在我国虽开展了一些工作,但距离实际的应用还有一定差距。主要存在的问题是:豆乳脱豆腥味不佳,发酵时间长而产酸不足,直接影响产品的口感与风味。本试验以脱腥处理的豆乳为基料,探讨影响豆乳酸奶发酵产酸的因素:发酵剂菌种的选择、豆乳热处理强度,豆乳浓度、添加物的种类与浓度,接种量、培养温度与时间、后酸化等。试验表明:脱腥处理的浓度为8.4%的豆乳中添加30~40%的新鲜牛奶或4%的脱脂奶粉,经充分地热处理冷却后接种4%的发酵剂,于42℃培养4h,制得的豆乳酸奶基本符合凝固型酸奶产品的要求。Abstract: In these experiments, the deodorized soy milk is used and the factors which affect fermentation were investigated. When 30~40% fresh milk or 4% skim milk powder was added to the soy milk of 8.4% concentration, after sufficient heating and cooling, inoculated with 4% starter, and incubated at 42℃ for 4hr, more satisfactory soy milk yoghurt could be obtained.