A Rational Design Method for Wetted Percentage of Trickier Irrigation and Its Applications
摘要: 由滴头下水平、铅直湿润距离与时间关系及湿润土体的形状,首次提出并验证了湿润宽度与时间关系函数及其经验常数间应满足的约束条件。首次提出了据此进行湿润比有理设计的方法,可用于计算湿润范围不超过计划湿润深度时湿润比的计算方法,湿润范围超出计划湿润深度时湿润比及渗漏湿润土体、渗漏水量的计算方法。由滴头下湿润锋的实验结果,求出了湿润距离与时间关系表达式的系数,并给出了不同条件下进行湿润比有理设计的实例。Abstract: From the relationships between horizontal and vertical wetting distances and the tunes of water application and the wetting patterns under isolated drippers, the restriction conditions of impiral cofefficients of the tune dependent functions of wetting distances were advanced and verified. A rational design method based on the time dependent functions was hence developed, which can be applied to determine both the wetted percentage while wetting front not exessing the planned irrigation depth and that as well as the wetted soilvolume by seepage water and the seepage water amount while wetting front exessing the planned irrigation depth.From experimental results of wetting front under isolated drippers, coefficients of the time dependent functions for wetting distanceswere thus obtained. And some design examples were given to demonstrate the procedures of applying this method to practic design.