Irrigation Project and Benefit in Tea Plantation
摘要: 从湖南情况出发,论述了在干旱明显的地区、在基础较好的茶园里建立灌溉工程的必要性。鉴于茶园大多居于山区丘陵地段,指出了固定式喷灌系统更能适应于茶叶大田生产。文中应用有关科研成果和大生产的经验提出了科学用水的理论依据,节能灌溉的指标,以及能适应大生产应用的技术参数。最后系统地阐述了由于灌溉改善了荼园的生态环境,从而提高了茶叶的产量和鲜叶的自然品质,它能获得良好的经济效益。结论是:兴建灌溉工程,作为一项新的工程技术和生物技术相结合的农艺措施,对发展茶叶生产具有一定的意义。Abstract: Research and practice has shown the necessity of establishing sprinkling irrigation project in the well-grown tea plantation in the drought area. Stationary sprinkling irrigation system is more suitble than other's in the hilly area where most of tea plantation distributed in.In this paper the author presects theoretical basis of water-saving, index of energy-saving irrigation and technical parameters of irrigation which are suitable to tea production.Sprinkling irrigation system can not only improve the ecological environment of tea plantation but also increase the yield and quality of tea fresh leave. As a result, good economic and ecological benefits have been achieved.Irrigation project, as a combination of new engineering and biological technology, would definitely play an important role in developing tea production.