
    Buffer Capacity of Soil to Pollutant

    • 摘要: 阐述了土壤缓冲性概念的演变,提出从缓冲性角度研究土壤污染的思路及体系。通过几种土壤对Cu、Pb、Cd、F缓冲性测定,分析了影响因素;由土壤pH值、粘粒、碳酸钙、有机质、腐殖酸、外源镉等一系列单因素试验,研究了各因素与缓冲性量变规律;通过等温吸附、络合特性、溶解性、形态分布,吸附动力学试验,研究了缓冲机制;还进行了各因素综合影响试验及通径分析。在试验研究基础上,为土壤污染的防治、调控、预测预报提出了科学依据。


      Abstract: This paper the evolution of the concept of soil buffer capacity, proposed a new concept, system to study soil pollution from soil buffering to pollutant. The factors affecting soil buffer capacity were discussed by measuring the buffer capacity of soil sampled in various bioclimatic zomes to metal elements Cu, Pb, Cd and F To quantify the relation ship between soil buffer capacity and its affecting factors, the buffer capacity of soil polluted at different extents to cadmium was determined under different pH values, clay particle particle content, calcium carbonate comtent, organic matter and humic acid content. At the same time, the uptake capacity of soil to cadmium as well as the composition and properties of complex cadmium were analysed to evaluate the factors affecting soil buffer capacity. By performing a cooprehensive experiment on buffer capacity of soil to cadmium and path analysis, direct or indirect effects of each factor on buffer capacity of soils to cadmium were determined, In studying the mechanism, andynamic absorption experiment of soil to Cd was carried out to analyse the relationship between average buffering capacity and time. As a result, a scientific criteria for protection, adjustment and prediction of soil pollution was provided.


