A Study on Well Flow Test of One-Step Pumping Flow for Determining Well Loss Constant and Hydrogeological Parameters
摘要: 文中提出的分析一次阶梯流量井流试验数据的方法,与目前采用的多次阶梯流量井流试验数据的分析方法相比较,在同样可以得到井流试验欲求的井损系数C,综合性参数rw2/a和含水层导水系数T三个参数的情况下,至少可以使抽水流量的变化次数减少两次。而且在数据分析中可以避免应用图解法,因此,能消除在作图中由于人为因素对计算结果准确性的影响。实际算例表明,一次阶梯流量与多次阶梯流量法得到的计算结果是非常吻合的。Abstract: In comparing with the method of multiple steps pumping flow, the method of one-step pumping flow for determining well loss constent and hydrogeological parameters given in this paper can at least reduce two times of changing flow abrutly in well flow test, so that the time of test can be shortened. Both linear regressive method and linear graphics method were introduced. A test on the practical example showed that the results abtained by two methods mentioned above are quite coincided with each other. But in the field test for determining well loss constant and hydrogeological parameters the method presented in this paper took only holf of the time in comparing with the method of multiple steps pumping flow.