
    Deepening the Consciousness of Concern over Environment and Improving Farm Mechanization's ability to Resist Natural Disasters and Reduce Losses

    • 摘要: 文章提出:在环境恶化已成为我国严重自然灾害的今天,应当树立环境意识,发展节约型农机化。并从农药、化肥污染、耕地锐减和能源、水资源严重短缺的视角,探讨了强化农机节约(资源)和改善(环境)功能,提高抗灾减损和应变能力的途径和对策。


      Abstract: The article points out that at the time when the environmental pollution has become a serious problem, we should have strong consciousness of concern over our environment and develop farm machinery of resources-saving type. From the view point of grave concern over pollution caused by agricultural chemicals, sharp reduction of cultivated land and serious and shortage of energy and water resources, the article discusses the means and methods for improving the functions of farm machines in resources saving and environmental protection and for increasing the ability of resistance to natural disasters and of reducing losses and response to various changes.


