
    The Design and Performance Test on Lug Wheel for Powered Tiller

    • 摘要: 根据湖南省一般淹水水田和旱态水田的圆锥指数承压特性及土壤力学参数剪切特性来设计湖南独轮耕整机的驱动轮。设计驱动轮的依据是:(1)机械原理上公认的共轭啮合定律作为轮叶几何参数的推导依据,以滑转率(相当于齿轮的模数)作为基本推导轮叶基圆、滚动圆、倾角、压力角、轮叶高、轮叶数等几何参数;(2)按照轮叶下土壤流动失效及土壤反力模型试验数据以土壤力学理论分析推导轮叶倾角、数目等参数。设计了三轮样轮,通过在湖南省的夏耕、春耕生产试验,牵引性能试验,获得性能较优、结构较合理的H4、H3型驱动轮,能适应湖南省一般淹水水田和旱态水田使用。


      Abstract: Based on the Cone Index bearing capacity and shearing strength of paddy in Hunan Province, we designed the lug wheel for powered tiller in this province. The principles are: (1) The law of conjugate action from theory of mechanism; (2) The theory of soil mechanics in analysing the soil flow, soil failure and soil reaction forces from experiments on model lug wheel. Through practical ploughing and tilling work of 1 summer season and 2 spring seasons, and also the performance test, the H4, H3 lug wheel had been proved to be very well for use in general flooded paddysoil and dry state paddysoil. This lug wheel has passed the identification by Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and the approval of manufacturing and extending for use in Hunan Province.


