The Effects of ARGON Bacterial Additives on Pig Raising
摘要: 本文根据引进“亚罗康”活菌饲料添加物,喂猪对比“免洗猪舍”的试验结果:有增重、防病、除臭的显著功效与安全性。对其应用的经济效益、生态效益、社会效益的综合分析结果,表明是可行的;并针对我国发展“菜篮子工程”和“外向型”集约化的畜禽饲料业中,存在排泄大量粪便及污水、臭气、污染环境的严重公害。为解决此难题,提出推广应用“亚罗康”活菌饲料添加物,是净化环境、根治公害、投资少、见效快的有效途径。Abstract: From the contrast experiments, it is found that the pigs' weight increasing and disease resistance are both improved remarkably by using the ARGON Bacterial additives. The ordor condition in pig heuse is also improved. From the analysis of economic, ecologic and social efficiency, it is deduced that the additive is applicable as it is safe to pig, sanitary to environmeut and low in investment.