
    Dried Longan Production in Factories

    • 摘要: 传统的桂元干生产工艺花工费时,劳动强度大,烘焙温度不均,热效率低,品质不稳定。作者采用桂元干生产新工艺为仙游县果蔬综合食品厂设计了桂元干生产车间,使新工艺由实验室转化为工厂化规模生产。新工艺的操作要点是:原料预处理、清洗、化学去蜡、初烘、回潮、分级、复烘、冷却、包装、入库。关键设备是蒸汽烘房,关键技术是化学去蜡和烘焙时间与温度的控制。烘干过程是一个较为复杂的物料脱水过程,烘干规律也较复杂,作者用简化方法计算烘干过程,与生产实际相当接近。用新工艺生产的桂元干,在外观和品质上都优于传统工艺,可以推广。


      Abstract: The traditional technology of dring longan had some shortcomings such as time-consuming, high intensity of labour, unevenness of temperature for drying, low heat efficiency and unstable quality. The author, by using a new production technology, has designed a dried longan production workshop for an integrated food factory in Xianyou County, transferring the new technology in laboratory to the production in factories. The major operation procedures of the new technology are: pre-treatment of raw materials, cleaning and washing, de-waxing by chemical method, preliminary drying, moisture regaining, grading, second drying, cooling,|packaging and storage. The key equipment is steam drying room. The key points of the technology are the de-waxing by chemical method and the control of drying time and temperature. Drying process is relatively complicated in dehydration and the law for drying is also comparatively complex. The author has used a simplified method to calculate the drying process and it is close to production practice. The dried longan produced through the new technology is superior both in appearance and quality to the dried longan made through traditional technology. The new technology can be popularized.


