
    Technical Functions of Agricultural Engineering on the Development of Rural Production Force

    • 摘要: 提出乡级经济是农村经济发展的基本单位,发展农村经济的关键是发展农村生产力。在阐述农村生产力内涵的基础上,系统地论述了农业工程技术对农村生产力诸要素质和量以及结构优化方面所表现的功能,并从当前农业生产对农业工程技术实际需求出发,进一步论证了农业工程技术在农村经济发展中所发挥的作用。


      Abstract: This paper presents that the rural economy in the township level is a unit of rural economical developmemt and the expansion of rural production force is one of the key factors in the development of rural economy. On the base of comprehensive explanation on rural production force, the functions of agricultural engineering on expanding rural production forces have been analysed in term of the quality, quantity and structure of production force factors. Furtherly, with reference to the practical demands to the agricultural engineering from different aspects of rural production, the deep analysis has been given on the relationship between rural development and agricultural engineering.


