
    Appraisal on the Ecological Effect of Regional Development of Agricultural Resources

    • 摘要: 农业资源区域开发后果的生态效益评价是一项极其复杂、难度很大的工作,它是农业现代化中面临的一个新研究领域。本研究总结并提出了有关农业资源开发的生态效益的涵义及其评价意义;以农区为主的评价指标体系构成(三类15项)依据;评价标准及评价方法,并做了实际应用分析。结果表明,该项研究在理论与方法上取得了新的进展。


      Abstract: It is quite difficult to make an appropriate appraisal on the ecological effect of regional development of agricultural resources, which is a new research field in agricultural modernization.On the basis of the results from agrc-ecological research in oversea and at home, we have analysed a lot of data related to agro-ecology in whole China from 1949 to 1990.This paper suggests a new idea about agro-ecological effect of agricultural resources development, meanwhile it also puts forward the classifying standards, methods for appraisal and the index systems including ecological structure, ecological function and environmental quality . We have carried out the practical application and the results have shown that this research is a success in theory and methodology.


