Development of a Computer Auxiliary Management System of Two Hundred Thousand Laying Hens Production
摘要: 在IBM-PC/XT机上,利用XPL-450绘图仪,M1724打印机,汉化dBASE-Ⅲ软件,以及汉化FoxBASE-PLUS软件建成机械化蛋鸡生产关系型数据库,实现微机对蛋鸡生产的管理。除用编译BASIC语言和C语言编制若干应用软件外,还引进、消化、吸收国外软件,采用PCNONLIN非线性参数软件包与自编程序相结合方法,运用于蛋鸡生产。提供了与数据库配套的最佳饲料配方筛选,蛋鸡夏季日粮蛋白质水平、冬季日粮能—蛋水平研究的统计分析,用模拟模型技术绘制彩色产蛋曲线图,生产统计处理,生产计划管理和饲料库存管理等若干子系统。Abstract: In the computer IBM-PC/XT, a mapping machine SPL-450, a printer M- 1724 and a Chinese software dBASE III were used to set up a dBASE for the management of laying hen production. Besides the translating and editing BASIC and the C language, a certain application of foreign software was also introduced and combination of PCNONLIN non-linear parameter software pocket with self-editing program was taken in order to apply to hen production. The dBASE was supplemented with the best feed formulas and such sub-systems as (1) statistical analysis of hen daily food-protein level in summer and hen daily food-energy-protein level in winter; (2) a model of color egg production curve drawn from minikin technique; (3)production statistical treatment; (4) production planning management; and (5) feed stock management. This paper elaborates a general development report on the application of the above-mentioned sub-systems to medium-and Large-sized mechanized chicken farms and on the improvement of their management.