Kinetic Parameter Calculation of Biomass Fast Pyrolysis
摘要: 本文在介绍一个实验装置及其实验结果的基础上,运用化学动力学及热分析的基本原理对实验结果进行数学处理,得出木材快速热分解时气体生成的动力学表达式及其相应的动力学参数,并对实验结果进行讨论,说明应用该式计算木材热解时挥发份逸出的可靠性。Abstract: This paper presents aa experimental facility and its experimental results of bioraass fast pyrolysis. Based on the principles of chemical kinetics and thermo-analysis, a kinetic calculation express has been determined and its kinetic parameters have been obtained. The discussion of calculated results are also presented in this paper.