
    The Effect of Bed Structures on the Aeration in Soilless Culture

    • 摘要: 本文采用单元平衡原理,将通用气体扩散方程离散化,对四种典型栽培床(架空式、落地式、隔离式和缝隙式)的边界条件进行了计算机模拟分析,同时,对栽培床沥水层设置的方式和作用做了详尽的讨论,为无土栽培床的设计提供了基本依据。


      Abstract: In soilless culture, the balance between aeration and moisture is a key factor to affect the growth of plant, while the balance point is fallen under the influence of bed structure, substrata and waterlogged-layer in primary consideration. This paper paid more attention on the effect of the bed structure on the aeration. From the computer results of the equation of air movement in substrata, it is found that the bed on stilts is better in aeration. Combined with waterlogged layer, its performance will be further improved.


