
    Study on the Basic Character of the Soil Interacting Tools of Seeder Machinery

    • 摘要: 近年来,国内外对播种机的研究正向着精密播种方向发展。然而,尽管播种机已从条播、穴播发展到现在的精密播种,其播种方式仍然采用开沟——播种——覆土这一传统的形式。本文综合分析了一般播种机械土壤工作部件以及近年来出现的滚筒式穴播成穴器等部件的工作方式,根据需要提出了直插式播种机成穴器这一新的概念,并进行了初步的研究与探讨。


      Abstract: In recent years, the research of the planter is in full swing in the direction of precision planting. Although planter has been developed from drilling, bunch planting to the precision planter, it is the only way that planting process remains to open, seed, cover three fashion stages. This paper comprehensively analysis the working manner of the soil interacting tools of general seeder machinery and cylinder hole former of bunch planting appeared recently. A new concept of direct insert hole former for planting has brought up, and its basic behaviors were studied in this paper.


