
    Study on Triangular Model and Indexes in Synthetic Evaluation of Regional Economy

    • 摘要: 在已有研究基础上,运用灰色系统理论的“灰关联原理”对浩繁的区域经济评估指标进行删除、归并处理,得到一套可操作性较强且又简便易行的区域经济评估指标体系。这套指标体系共含经济指标、科技指标、结构指标和生活质量指标4大类16个分指标;针对人们在多指标综合评估中常用的综合指数法和评分法的缺陷或不足,吸收灰色系统理论的思想方法,提出了三角隶属函数评估模型,研究了该新模型的应用机理;结合河南省经济发展研究的需要,对河南省经济发展水平进行实证分析,指出了影响河南经济健康发展的根本症结。


      Abstract: (1)On the basis of what has already been achieved,the authors set up an index system for the synthetic evaluation of -regional economy by applying the principle of grey incidence. The system consists of 4 synthetic indexes ,the economic index,the scientific and technical index,the social structural index and the living quality index. There are altogether 16 subindexes in the system. (2)To counter with the shortcomings or deficiency of the compositing index method and marking method that had been used frequently in synthetic evaluation concerning multiindex, A triangular model is put forward based on the idea and method of grey system theory. Moreover,the mechanism of applying the new model has been studied. (3)Dealing with the realistic needs in the management of Henan economy, the authors have sized up the developing level of Henan economy. Factors that affected the development of Henan economy are discussed.


