
    Effects of Greenhouse Orientation and Latitude on Direct Solar Radiation Transmissivity

    • 摘要: 应用数学模型分析了温室方位、连栋数、季节及地理纬度对太阳直射光透过率的影响。在低纬度地区,上述各要素(除纬度外)对温室直射光透过率的影响效果均显著小于高纬度地区。然而,就东西栋温室而言,其栽培床面上的光照分布在高纬度地区和低纬度地区都表现出不均一性特点。


      Abstract: Effects of greenhouse orientation, number of spans, time of year and the latitude on the direct solar radiation trans-missivity into greenhouses were analyzed using a mathematical model. In low latitudes, effects of the above - mentioned factors (except for latitude)are less remarkable than in high latitudes. However,spatial irregulatities of irradiance within EW - oriented greenhouses will be a problem not only in high latitudes but also in low latitudes.


