李道清, 章衡, 刘秀珍, 田光明, 李志宏, 樊广泉, 袁小明, 雷振宇. 土壤信息管理系统的数据模型与数据结构[J]. 农业工程学报, 1993, 9(3): 22-27.
    引用本文: 李道清, 章衡, 刘秀珍, 田光明, 李志宏, 樊广泉, 袁小明, 雷振宇. 土壤信息管理系统的数据模型与数据结构[J]. 农业工程学报, 1993, 9(3): 22-27.
    Li Daoqing, Zhang Heng, Liu Xuzhen, Tian Guangming, Li Zhhong, Fan Guangquan, Yuan Xiaoming, Lei Zhenyu. The Data Model and Structure of Soil Information Management System[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1993, 9(3): 22-27.
    Citation: Li Daoqing, Zhang Heng, Liu Xuzhen, Tian Guangming, Li Zhhong, Fan Guangquan, Yuan Xiaoming, Lei Zhenyu. The Data Model and Structure of Soil Information Management System[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1993, 9(3): 22-27.


    The Data Model and Structure of Soil Information Management System

    • 摘要: 研究建立了土壤信息管理系统数据模型(SIMS),因土壤各类数据从结构上表现了时空上的无序性和不均匀性,故选择关系模型为系统的数据模型。SIMS采用合成模块结构,由数据库子系统、管理子系统、智能子系统等模块构成。根据UNION运算,SIMS集合表示:SIMS=A∪B∪C。为实现数据共享,采用广义链表结构为SIMS系统的数据结构。


      Abstract: In this paper,the data model and structure of soil information management system (SIMS) from the viewpoint of set theory are established. Considering the data of soil with orderless and uneven distribution both in space and time, the authors selected the relational module to be the data model of the system, this is favorable to the description of the data SIMS uses composed module structure, It is composed of data base subsystem module, management subsystem module and intelligence subsystem module. Based on the UNION operation,the set notations are:A = A1 UA2∪ -∪A6, B=B1∪B2∪…∪B5, C=C1∪C2∪…∪C5, C1=C11∪C12 ∪…∪C110,C4=C41∪C42∪…∪C414,SIMS=A∪B∪CRecord structure is adopted for the files of every data base except that of the soil nutrients, for which the record array structure is adopted. In order that the data be shared, the general table link structure is adopted to be the data structure of this system.


