
    The Establishment of an Optimized Performance Model of In-cylinder Hydrogen-mixed Combustion of the S195 Diesel Engine

    • 摘要: 根据S195柴油机向缸内直接掺氢燃烧所作的研究,证明随着供氢量的变化,各性能指标(主要指有效热效率及燃油比耗量)在功率基本持平情况下,均将优于掺氢前原机的性能。以柴油供给量、氢气供给量和喷油提前角三因素为依据,建立了在不同转速和压缩比下以有效热效率为试验指标的优化数学模型,提出了各因素最优搭配的建议。


      Abstract: Experiments on hydrogen directly mingled in the cylinder of a S195 diesel engine showed that along with the variation of hydrogen supply, the engine performance (chiefly the effective thermal efficiency and the specific fuel consumption ) was much better than that of the original diesel engine before using hydrogen, while the power produced was basically equal in both cases. In this paper, with the effective heat efficiency as the experimental target an optimized mathematical model was established on three factors, i. e the diesel fuel supply, the hydrogen supply and the fuel injection advance angle, at different engine speed and different compression ratio of engine. Optimum collocation scheme of the factors was also suggested.


