
    Nondestructive Detection of Chicken-egg Internal Quality by Optical Properties

    • 摘要: 无损检测鸡蛋内部品质是鸡蛋流通、加工中不可缺少的组成部分。为了提高鸡蛋内部品质光特性无损检测的精度,建立了鸡蛋的光学模型,找出了整蛋、内容物、蛋壳三者透射特性之间的关系。通过试验研究,得到了鸡蛋内部品质指标(哈氏单位)与整蛋透射率、蛋壳颜色、鸡蛋几何参数之间的相关关系。并对光特性无损检测的分级精度作了初步分析。


      Abstract: Nondestructive detection of chicken-egg internal quality is necessary for circulating and processing of chicken-eggs. In order to improve the precision in nondestructive detection by optical properties, an optical model was established to find out the relationships among transmittant properties of the whole-egg, the contents inside and the egg shell. Through tests, correlations were obtained between chicken-egg internal index (Haugh Unit) and whole-egg transmittant ratio, egg-shell colour and egg' s geometric parameters. Ways to improve the precision of nondestructive detection by optical properties were preliminarily analyzed.


