
    Principle of Non-equilibrium,Self-excitation and Self-regulation (NSS) and Its Application

    • 摘要: 现实经济系统都是非均衡非线性的开放系统。它在自激励增长机制和自调节协调机制交互作用下,沿着一条起伏波动的非均衡道路,由较低级形态向较高级形态持续转变。非均衡发展的结果,造成地区(或部门)之间的势差。如能将反映这种势差的不均衡度控制在某个适宜范围,资源就能得到满意的利用,经济也能得到满意的发展。根据这一原理,建立了控制论模型,并以河南省商丘地区区域经济发展和公路交通运输的关系问题为例,作了实证分析。


      Abstract: This paper suggests the principle of non- equilibrium, self- excitation and self- regulation in economic development. Its primary contents include the following: All realistic economic systems are non-equilibrium,nonlinear and open systems, under the cross affect of self-excitation- increasing mechanism and self-regulation-coordinating mechanism , the development of these economic systems is a sustained process transformed from lower economic form to a higher one,along an undulant non-equilibrium road. The result of non-equilibrium development creates the potential difference among regions (or departments), without potential difference, economy will not be able to develop. Appropriate potential difference is the force of exciting economic development, but excessive potential difference will block up the economic development. When the non-equDibrium degree of potential difference is controlled within a just right range,resources can be exploited and economy can be developed satisfactorilyAccording to this principle, the authors established a cybernetics model and completed a pragmatic analysis of the relation between regional economic development and highway traffic in Shangqiu Prefecture of the Henan Province.


