
    An Installation and Method for Measuring Photosynthetic Rate of Plant Population

    • 摘要: 介绍了一种植物群体光合速率测量装置的设计原理、结构及其测量和计算方法。该装置采用半封闭式测量系统,借助CO2红外气体分析仪,可连续控制、测量植物群体在同化箱中因光合作用而引起的CO2浓度变化,测量范围0~1000ppm,灵敏度2ppm。利用该装置测定了小麦、玉米、大豆、白菜等在不同CO2浓度水平下的光合速率,并取得较好的结果。


      Abstract: In this paper, the principle of design and constitution of the installation for measuring photosynthetic rate of plant population, and methods of measurement and calculation were introduced. This installation with semi-closed measurement system and CO2 infrared gas analyser, can measure and control change of CO2 concentration continuously in an assimilation chamber. Its measurement range is: 0~1000 ppm; resolution; 2 ppm. Good results by using this installation to measure photosynthetic rates of wheat, corn, soybean and Chinese cabbage under different concen-trition of CO2 had been achieved.


