Discussion on Design and Application of the Tunnel Ventilation System for Poultry Housing
摘要: 针对当前我国在原密闭式鸡舍的横向通风与开放式或半开放式鸡舍的自然通风方式改造成纵向通风过程中存在的一些问题,着重分析讨论了鸡舍纵向通风系统的通风换气量与舍内风速取值,进气口面积与位置的确定,风机的选型及其不同季节的运行管理等问题。为今后我国不同类型鸡舍的纵向通风系统的设计与应用提供参考。Abstract: In view of the problem which arised during the tunnel ventilation applied to enclosed or open-type poultry housing in China,the author discussed the design method of the ventilation rate,the air velocity in a tunnel ventilated poultry housing,and the total area of air inlets and their location for different weather conditions. The choice of exhaust fan types is also proposed in this paper.