注重整体布局 种鸡全程笼养

    Laying Stress on Entire Layout and Battery Raising Breeding Broiler during Whole Period

    • 摘要: 针对以往建鸡场时,由于整体布局不合理所出现的环境污染、防疫困难等问题,在新建鸡场时,根据当地的地理环境条件和卫生防疫要求进行了合理的整体布局,做到“工程防疫”;又针对肉种鸡传统的地面平养和两高一低饲养方式饲养管理困难、效果不理想、不适应大规模、高密度饲养等问题,在饲养工艺上采用了全程笼养和整场全进全出制。经过两年饲养6万套父母代肉种鸡,其效果达到成活率:育雏期98.8%~99.89%,育成期98%~99.6%,产蛋期(67周)92%;育成期整齐度84%~90%;入舍母鸡产蛋数194枚,合格种蛋180枚;种蛋平均受精率95%;节约饲料10.5%。提高了饲养密度,减少了固定资产投资,降低了每只鸡分摊的固定资产折旧等费用,使经济效益大幅度提高。


      Abstract: Due to unreasonable "Entire Layout" ,there were some problems in the old chicken enterprise,such as environment pollution,difficult epidemic prevention etc. In our new chicken enterprise,according to our location and the demand of sanitary antiepidemic, we carried out "Entire Layout", named "Engineering Epidemic Prevention" as " Ground Raising" and "High-Low-High" raising method having no ideal result and raising difficultly,that is not suitable to large-scale and high density raising. We carried out "Battery Raising During Whole Period" ,"All in-All out" raising method. We have raised 60000 PS broilers during last two years. The effect was,survival rate,98. 8%~99. 8% during brooding period,98%~99. 6% during rearing period,92% during laying period,rearing regularity was 84%~90%,HH were 194,regular breeding eggs were 180, average fertilization rate was 95% and save on feed 10. 5%. Raising density was improved. Fixed assets investment was reduced. Depreciation of fixed assets was cut down. Economic benefit was increased greatly.


