The High-speed Drying Technologies and Its Complete Sets of Equipment for Chicken Manure
摘要: 通过对国内外几种主要鸡粪处理工艺的分析对比,说明了鸡粪快速烘干工艺的优越性,介绍了中国农业工程研究设计院研究设计的鸡粪快速烘干工艺与成套设备及其经济效益。关键技术及采取的相应措施:(1)适当减少滚筒长度,提高破碎轴转速,加强物料破碎效果,从而提高了烘干效率。(2)适宜的电气控制及结构设计保证了设备使用的可靠性,顺流快速烘干工艺和无级调速给料保证了产品质量。(3)水浴或土壤吸附可使废气达到排放标准,适量施用烘干鸡粪不会造成再污染。Abstract: The high-speed drying technologies and its complete sets of equipment for chicken manure are introduced, it is considered that the calorific efficiency,the reliability and the effects on environment are the keys of the technologies, various elements are analysed,the approaches of solving the problems are advanced.