
    Test on the Rheological Behaviour of Beverage Stabilizer and Beverage Quality Control

    • 摘要: 研究了饮料生产中常用两种稳定剂羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC—Na)和在一般食品介质中的粘度变化规律,以及粒粒橙汁和酸奶的生产工艺及其质量控制。试验表明,不同生产厂家生产的同一种稳定剂的粘度等特性不同。试验结果为饮品生产过程中的质量控制提供参考数据。


      Abstract: The paper studied the characteristics of two commonly used stabilizers, CMC - Na (car-boxymethyl cellulose) and agar-agar, espacilly their variations of viscosity in common beverages. Furthermore ,the technological process and quality control of Li Li-orange juice and sour milk processes are also discussed . The test results showed that the same stabilizer made by different manufacturers had different viscosity characteristics. The results can be used as reference for quality control in beverage processing.


