
    Comparative Studies on Implementing the Strategies & Measures for Higher Yielding, Quality and Profit Agriculture Between China, the Netherlands and Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait

    • 摘要: 人口密度和人均耕地同中国相仿的荷兰和与中国东部条件基本相同的台湾省都早已实现了农业的高产、优质和高效益。其根本经验可归结为:1.以向国际市场和消费要求不断提高的国内市场提供高质量的农产品为导向和动力,调整生产结构、科研重点及学科设置;2.采取特殊体系和方法,提高全体农民的文化技术素质;3.农业科研同相关的工程,工艺、产品和市场的开发紧密结合;4.强大的工业从装备上支持高技术农业,如设施农业和农产品精细加工业;5.农业的生产、加工同商业、外贸、市场开拓等部门间协调、配合好。中国(大陆)在实现农业的“两高一优”方面虽有一定的特殊性,但完全可以借鉴荷兰和台湾省的成功经验。从总体战略上,当务之急是要抓住难得的市场机遇,制定国家一级中近期总体规划和行动纲领,大力提高农产品优质水平,以创汇农业为突破口促进出口并带动农业全行业的技术改造。


      Abstract: Higher yielding, quality and profits has long been accomplished by the Netherlands and Taiwan province in their agricultural sector, whose population density and per capita share of arable land are similar to China (mainland). Their fundemental experience can be summarized as: 1. to take the policy of providing higher quality agro-products for ever-upgrading markets at home and abroad as an impetus to orientation, and to have the production structure, research priorities and new discipline installation all based on it; 2. farmers are qualified in knowledge and technology due to an u-nique education system and training model; 3. agricultural research has been closely linked with engineering, and the exploration of technology, produce and market; 4. industries give powerful support to hi-tech agriculture such as environment-controlled horticulture and precised processing of a-gro-substances; 5. harmonious coordination existed between sectors of agro-production, processing, commerce and international trade, aiming at a common target. Although there are few specific conditions for China to realize its higher yielding, quality & profit agriculture, solutions for breaking the barriers still can be worked out in the light of these experiences. An urgent need is to formulate national program and action plans of upgrading the quality of agro-product, so that rare market opportunity of export could be grasped, and technical reformation could be then driven on the scale of whole agricultural sector.


