
    Experimental Measurment of Temperature and Airflow Velocity Fields in an Incubator

    • 摘要: 对9JF(C)—168型孵化机蛋位区风速场、温度场测试数据进行统计计算,分析了风速场与温度场变化状况及其相互间的关系,建立了蛋位区各点的温度及其均方差与风速间的定量关系式,可通过风速场测量来间接地研究测试难度较大的温度场问题。


      Abstract: Both airflow velocity and temperature data measured at the different lattice points of egg-field of the 9JF(C)-168 Incubator were computed in statistical method, and their variation and inter-relation were analyzed. The regression equations between airflow velocity and temperature and its quadratic mean deviation were established. It was indicated that the temperature field in an incubator could be indirectly studied by the measurement of its airflow velocity instead of temperature which is relatively difficult to be measured.


