Studies on the Cultivation of Seedling and Rice Thinly Populated Planting with Air-Pruning Tray
摘要: 研究了空气整根营养钵育秧,非空气整根营养钵育秧和普通营养钵育秧三种不同育秧方式及稀植条件下水稻的生长发育特征,生理特性及其对产量的影响。研究结果表明:空气整根营养钵培育的秧苗素质好于其他两种秧盘培育的秧苗。水稻合理稀植后,茎杆粗壮,分蘖力增强,分蘖高峰期推迟,成穗率提高,产量提高。Abstract: This paper studies the effects of three different forms of seedling raising trays (air-pruning tray, none air-pruning tray and regular tray) and thinly populated planting on rice seedling growth and physiological characteristics as well as yield. The research results show that the quality of air-pruned rice seedling is better than that produced by the other two forms of trays. The characteristics of rice from air-pruned seedling under reasonbly thinly populated planting condition are strong stem, high ratio of offshoot, delayed offshoot period, high grain raising and high yield.