Optimizing Determination of Irrigation Uniformity in the Design of Micro-irrigation System
摘要: 通过对农作物产量与水的关系及灌水均匀度与工程造价之间的关系分析,建立了工程投入与产出比函数,并据此优化确定微灌设计灌水均匀度的值。分析结果与算例指出,在工程设计时,一味追求高的灌水均匀度,往往会导致经济上的不合理。Abstract: By means of analyzing the relations between crop yield and water,and between/Irrigation uniformity and engineering cost, a rate function of engineering input/output was established. According to the function, the design value of irrigation uniformity for micro-irrigation system can be determined by means of optimizing method. Analytical results and a counting example show that it would unreasonable in economics if only a high irrigation uniformity is pursued.