The Experimental Study on a Solar Ox-shed
摘要: 对我国北方太阳能牛舍的设计及参数选择进行了探讨,利用太阳能牛舍进行了冬季育肥牛饲养试验研究,通过对牛舍的环境参数测试结果分析,提出了采光棚和太阳能接收室的最佳参数。试验研究表明,北方冬季利用太阳能改善牛舍的温度环境十分必要而且可行。它对提高育肥牛的增重效果明显。经济效益分析表明,太阳能牛舍有推广前景。Abstract: In this paper, the structure parameters of the solar ox-shed have been studied, and the main parameters of solar roof and solar collector have been optimized by analyzing the ox-shed' s environmental parameters. Experiments show that the temperature in the improved ox-shed had a greater increase and the weight of oxen had a significant growing in winter. So, the improved shed has a good economic benefit and has a bright future for popularization.