Study on the Device for Steamed Ginseng
摘要: 为提高蒸参质量,针对现有蒸参装置存在的共同问题,在原蒸参装置的基础上进行了改进,并增设了蒸参温度的自动控制系统。对比试验表明,改进后的蒸参装置与原装置相比,具有温度波动小、省工、省力,蒸出的红参质量好等优点,而且改进方法简单,投资少,容易推广。Abstract: To get red ginseng in good quality, the existing device for steamed ginseng has been improved and equipped with automatic control unit, in which the temperature of the steamed ginseng can be controlled automatically by the single chip computer. Many comparision tests have been done in the improved device and the existing devices. The experimental results showed that the improved device is better than the former one. It can control variation in temperature ±2℃, saves time and labour, and the quality of steamed red ginseng is good. Meanwhile, improved method is simple, less investment and popularized easily.