The Development of Geographic Information System and the Creation of Databases on the National Agricultural Schistosomiasis Control
摘要: 阐述了全国农业血防数据库与地理图形系统的设计与实现。将农业血防数据库与地理图形有机地结合在一起,打破了关系型数据库系统单纯依靠条件表达式的单一检索模式,提供了一种更为直观的查询手段,实现图形和数据资源共享。系统具有良好的实用价值和推广前景。Abstract: This study deals with application of databases on the national agricultural schistosomiasis control and the design of Geographic Information System (G1S). An efficient combination of information databases in agricultural schistosomiasis control with GIS can break down the single search mode of relative databases, supply a more vivid search method , and achieve a share of graphics and databases . The system has a great practical value and application prospects.