
    Decision Support System with Microcomputer on Production Technique for High and Stable Yield Better Quality and Low Cost Wheat

    • 摘要: 运用决策支持系统(DSS)技术,结合小麦专家丰富的知识和经验,给出了以河南省小麦生产为对象的微机决策支持系统。该系统采用PROLOG人工智能语言设计,使用窗口和菜单技术,用纯中文提示和输出。输出的生产措施详尽,有实用价值与推广前景。


      Abstract: Applying decision support system technique, combining with the rich knowledge and experience of wheat experts, this article introduces microcomputer decision support system for wheat production in Henan Province. The system adopts PROLOG language and windows and menu technique, uses Chinese presentative and output. Tt outputs detailed production measures, and has very high practical value and broad spread prospects.


