
    Talking About the Food Component Improvement in China

    • 摘要: 对食物结构的慨念、特点及其改革的内容、原则、意义和人类食物结构变革的发展阶段进行了论述。文中提出今后食物结构改革的重点工作方向,首先在营养调查的基础上,着重搞好每个公民一日三餐的合理膳食,从营养学角度科学地引导食物消费;另外继续努力提高食物总量,搞好筵席菜的改革和让营养不足的农民进行生产自救,使我国食物结构问题根本改观。


      Abstract: The concept of food component and its characteristics, content, principle, significance, as well as its improvement and the four development stages of diet history in human are discussed in the paper. The major works for the food component improvement at the present in China are proposed as follows: first,to do well the rational dietary of the population and guide the food consumption according to the principle of nutriology, second, to readjust the food types and raise total amount of foods, third, to improve the Chinese dishes as to meet nutritional needs, and fourth, to let the under-nourished peasants produce more foods as well as ensuring themselves nutritional balances, in order to get a good result for the food component improvement in China.


