
    Study on Mechanism of Water-Saving and High-Yielding Through Measures Combining Surge Irrigation With Agricultural Methods

    • 摘要: 针对阻碍农田水利用效率的关键因素及提高水利用效率的途径,采取把间歇灌灌溉技术、覆盖秸秆技术、化控、密植等农水措施溶于一体,取得了显著的节水增产效益和具有较强的可操作性。小麦、夏玉米产量分别为5250kg/hm2和8250kg/hm2,水分利用效率达1.61kg/m3和2.42kg/m3,平均为2.01kg/m3的较高水平。并对其节水高产机理作了探讨。


      Abstract: Focusing on the key factors which impede field water-utilization efficiency and the way to increase water-use efficiency, this paper combined surge irrigation technique with agricultural methods such as mulching technique, chemical controlling, close planting, and found that there were significant benefit between water-saving and yield-increasing. Water-use efficiency for wheat and summer corn were 1.61 kg/m3 and 2. 42 kg/m3 respectively, average value was 2. 01 kg/m3. Grain yields for wheat and summer corn were 5250 kg/hm2 and 8250 kg/hm2 respectively.


