
    A Variable-Condition Similar-Design Method in Pump CAD System

    • 摘要: 该文突破了常规水泵设计方法中以最优工况作为换算工况进行水泵相似设计的理论,提出了变工况相似设计的概念和方法,并给出了详细的设计步骤和应用实例。


      Abstract: Combined the extended discharge design theory with similar-design method, this paper developed a more perfect pump design method, named variable-condition similar-design method. This method especially suites CAD system for some types of pump, and it is easy to be realized with CAD. It has a great difference from the traditional similar-design method, i. e. .taking a special operating point instead of the optimum one as a calculating point. The special pcint is selected by a Certain procedure. To show the capability of the method, the process of design of a centrifugal pump is described in details.


