
    A Study on Dynamic Forces of Articulation System of Articulated Engineering Machinery

    • 摘要: 通过整车系统动力学分析,对铰接式工程机械铰接系统铰点动态约束反力进行了研究。在作业工况下,铰接系统铰点受到三个力及二个力矩的作用,这些力和力矩的大小依赖于作业阻力、机械自重、惯性力、车轮滚动阻力和车轮驱动力矩,得到了其解析表达式。


      Abstract: In this paper, dynamic pivot-point forces of articulation system of articulated engineering machinery are studied by dynamic analysis method. Under working condition, there are three forces and two moments at the pivot-point of articulation system. The values of them depend on work resistance, inertial force, weight of machinery, rolling resistance and driving moment on wheel. The analysis formulas of them are obtained.


