
    Study on Neural Network Expert System for Fruit Shape Judgement

    • 摘要: 该文使用图像识别系统对果形进行自动判别。并设计了一种用于果形判别的人工神经网络专家系统。试验表明:果形自动判别专家系统方法是可行的,它较好地解决了传统专家系统所面临的知识获取和表达困难、推理能力弱、系统扩充困难、容错性差等问题。


      Abstract: The fruit shape is an important feature to grade the fruit. This paper describes an image recognition system to automatically judge the fruit shape. A kind of artificial neural network expert system to judge fruit shape is proposed. Tests prove that the method to judge the fruit shape is feasible and the proposed approach can resolve the problems existed in the tranditional expert system, such as difficult to acquire and represent the knowledge, weak in reasoning , hard to expand the system , and sensitive to errors.


