
    Study and Manufacture of Porosity Determining Apparatus of an Unconsolidated Mass of Materials

    • 摘要: 依据理想气体状态方程研制的孔隙率测定装置,可以直接、迅速测得散粒物料在各种特定状态条件下的孔隙率。该装置对于一些吸湿性强的物料、特别是易溶于水、比重测试较复杂的散粒物料尤为适宜。经测试证明,该装置测试准确、简便。该文提供的对不同装料方法、不同杂质含量、不同粒度成分的散粒物料孔隙率测定结果,有参考价值。


      Abstract: In the light of perfect gas law,the manufactured apparatus can be used to determine vari-ous sorts of porosity of an unconsolidated mass of materials directly, and it is suitable to these materials with high hydroscopicity, especially for those dissolving easily in water and complicated to determine specific gravity. This apparatus is accurate, simple and convenient. Determined results on porosity of an unconsolidated mass of materials in different state of placement,different content of impurity and different composition in sizes,are of value for reference.


