Study on a Computer Information Network System for Monitoring Soil Moisture in Field
摘要: 阐述建立田间墒情监测网的方法步骤,以及旱情评估的几种理论,在此基础上提出了墒情监测网信息系统的方案,该方案主要为地方(灌区或县、市)灌溉农业的用户服务,以期达到省水增产目的,同时与全国抗旱信息系统兼容为抗旱防灾、减灾服务Abstract: This paper proposed a computer information system to set up a network for monitoring soil moisture in field. This program mainly serves the saving water irrigation. It monitors or predicts the soil moisture reserve in plant root zone and regulates soil water in order to determine the time and quantity of water application. And it is compatible with the national drought defying information system, can be applied to control or reduce drought disaster.