
    A Study on Wear Mechanism of Roller Chain in Mechanical Transmission System of Walking Machinery in Agriculture

    • 摘要: 农用行走机械传动滚子链的主要磨损形式是磨粒磨损,典型的“犁切”现象表明,链条套筒、销轴零件的表面高硬度有利于改善其磨损表面形貌,有利于提高其耐磨性。而油润条件下的传动滚子链,其套筒和销轴零件疲劳裂纹的扩展是影响疲劳寿命的主要因素,表面硬度越高,裂纹扩展速率越快,磨损表面形貌产生的剥落坑越大


      Abstract: Main wear on roller chain of walking machinery in agriculture is abrasive wear. Ploughing phenomenon showed that increases of hardness of bush and pin can improve its surface shape by wearing and improve its wear proof performance. When bush and pin of roller chain are lubricated by oil, propagation of fatigue crack is main factor to effect on lifetime of these parts. And the higher the hardness,the faster propagation of fatigue crack is, the larger separation hole caused by shape of wear surface is.


