范云翔, 杨子万, K. A. Adekola, 孙廷琮. 温室全自动移栽机的研究开发[J]. 农业工程学报, 1996, 12(2): 111-115.
    引用本文: 范云翔, 杨子万, K. A. Adekola, 孙廷琮. 温室全自动移栽机的研究开发[J]. 农业工程学报, 1996, 12(2): 111-115.
    Fan Yun-xiang, Yang Zi-wan, K. A. Adekola, Sun Ting-zong. Development of Automatic Transplanter in Greenhouse[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1996, 12(2): 111-115.
    Citation: Fan Yun-xiang, Yang Zi-wan, K. A. Adekola, Sun Ting-zong. Development of Automatic Transplanter in Greenhouse[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 1996, 12(2): 111-115.


    Development of Automatic Transplanter in Greenhouse

    • 摘要: 移栽机是实现温室机械化的关键设备。为提高自动化程度研制出了一种温室全自动移栽机。它可以将空气整根秧盘育出的秧苗自动移栽到生长用的塑料大盘或花盆中。特别是该机采用的真空自动化投苗装置,吸力大、伤苗率与漏苗率都很低,保证了整机性能且先进可靠


      Abstract: Transplanter is a key machine to realize the mechanization in greenhouse. A completely automatic transplanter was developed to premote the automation of production in greenhouse. It can automatically transplant flower seedlings from fabricated seedling tray into flower pot, vessels and other containers for growing. Its drop unit has high and adequate suction force/pressure, less seedling damage, and high transplanting accuracy. That ensures a unique , advanced and innovative techniques of the machine.


