Research for and Manufacture of Double Voussoir Injection Forming Machine
摘要: 双面斜楔注塑成型机采用了双面斜楔液压注射机构,使一机相当于二机,提高功效近一倍,节省一套控制系统,驱动功率由22kW降低至7.5kW,节省成本2.6万元Abstract: The double voussoir injection forming machine adopting a mechanism of double voussoir hydaulic injection, doubles its efficiency and lowers its power consumption by 14.5 kW,and saves cost of ¥26 000 RMB. It is featured with high efficiency and low power consumption ,and as a result, awarded the International Excellent Patent Prize. The Patent was writen in Chinese, English and Japenese, and published worldwide.