
    Estimating Nutrient Content of Animal Sluries

    • 摘要: 该文通过大量数据统计分析提出,不同种类动物粪便需用不同的预测方程估算其中的养分含量,粪便的导电性和干物质含量是准确估算其中氮、磷、钾养分含量的重要参数;以上两个参数为自变量的二元回归方程可更准确地估算出粪便中的养分含量


      Abstract: Livestock slurries contain amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium which can be recycled in grass and arable system to reduce inorganic fertilizer inputs, but excess application of them can causepollution problems. Therefore, estimation of nutrients in slurries is required. A nalytical results of this paper show that different sets of predictive equations are required to different type of animal slurries, electrical conductivity (EC) and drymatter content (DM) are main factors for estimating slurry nutrient contents, and the multiple linear regression equations of EC and DM against nutrient contents have the potential to providemo rereliable and accurate indication of nutrient contents in animal slurries.


