
    Study on Diary Cow Conformation Image Information System

    • 摘要: 该文设计了一种变长记录文件的存储格式和对该文件的存取方法,既节省了存储空间,又改善了文件的管理性能;采用动态链结构构造了一个超文本结构的用户界面,实现了对任意对象的联想式浏览,提高了操作效率;开发了一个奶牛体型图象信息管理系统,集成了图象处理、奶牛体型线性评定和图象信息管理等功能


      Abstract: Owing to compressed image files having a variable lengths,a store format and the access operation method for that length variable record file were developed to save store space and improve file management performance. A hypertext user interface was built up with leading dynamic chain into this system to browse any object and improve the operating efficiency.A dairy cow conformation image information management system was developed, which integrated the functions of image analysis,dairy cow linear type appraisal and image information management, etc.


