
    The Mechanization Technology for Subsoiling , Mulching ,Non-tillage and Furrow-Planting

    • 摘要: 在夏季,对玉米进行行间深松并覆盖麦秸,秋季免耕沟播小麦,这种耕作技术,可以蓄水保墒,培肥地力。试验表明,它使玉米、小麦都显著增产。为此技术研制的深松机和沟播机,使用效果良好,已获得国家专利


      Abstract: A tillage technology that the soil between maize rows is subsoiled and mulched by straw in summer and untilled till the maize has been furrow-planted in autumn was studied in the paper. The tillage technology can store water, preserve soilmoisture, cultivate soilfertility well. The field tests show that the productions both of maize and wheat were increased. The subsoiler and rotary-furrow-seeder were developed and got patent in China.


